Hit the Books is a nonprofit organization based in Harlem that aims to bring additional academic resources to underserved communities through a sports-based development approach, with boxing as the ‘hook’ to get kids excited about the program & tutoring & mentorship at its core. They serve as an after-school program for 1st-6th graders offering boxing instruction, hours of tutoring & a free communal meal, every day.

The Hit House community raised money for Hit the Books by hosting a donation-based outdoor kickboxing & HIIT workout on Sunday, September 26th in McCarren Park (Williamsburg, BK), led by Muay Thai and book lover Elora. Thank you to everyone who supported (& sweat in the sun)!

Missed class but want to donate? https://www.hitthebooksnyc.org/donate
Your donation will help Hit the Books provide educational programs, mentorship, after-school mixed martial arts classes & nutritional meals to youth in underserved areas of Harlem.
Is there an organization that means something special to you? We would love to support. E-mail us at info@hithouse.com.