Bag work is designed to help you develop power, focus on rhythm and timing, and build technique. Plus, it’s a great way to let off some steam and take out your anger on an inanimate object! Keep track of your time with either a basic timer or download the app Boxing Round Timer for free.
Divide your bag work into rounds. In fight camp, you should do eight 3 minute rounds of combinations per day, 6 days a week.

Most people do not have access to a heavy bag (where would we keep them in our NYC apartments?) but, as part of New York Forward's re-opening plan, Hit House Muay Thai Fitness studio is able to open and offer open bag work.
What's the deal?
You book your hour time slot online for $22. Sessions are available every 30 minutes to stagger arrival traffic.
Check in, complete a COVID questionnaire & have your temperature taken.
The main studio is barefoot. You will need gloves & a mask. Gloves are available to purchase for $20 or rent [with towel] for $3. Bring a water bottle [we have a refill station & do not sell plastic bottles].
A safety lead [aka your favorite Hit House instructor & Muay Thai fighter] will assign you a bag to ensure proper physical distance. [Each bag is 7 feet apart.]
Combinations will be available on whiteboards & the safety lead will be there to advise, offer technique tips & answer questions. Curated playlists will keep you motivated.
Wanna rock out? Freestyle & let it all out on the bag.
We have installed a timer in the studio so you can track your rounds.
Long story long: it feels good to punch something.